Dua Suryani

Bismi Allahi arrahmani arraheem
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

Benefits of Dua Suryani

Dua Suryani is very helpful for (Safety and Protection). This Dua is reported by Hazrat Daud (A.S) for seeking help of Allah in every dificulty. Whoever recites this Dua will not be under any debt and will not be sick. He will always prosper and will be healthy. He will be away from sorrow and cruelty of the cruel rulers. If he goes for Jihad he will be victorious. The swords, arrows and guns will not effect him. If he goes on a journey he will come back safe and sound. Whoever keeps this Dua' with him Allah Subhanahu waa Ta'ala will bestow his Rahmah on such a person.
Transliteration: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. 
Ana'l maujudu fat'lubni tajidni
Fa'in tatlub siwali lam tajidni
Ana'l maqsoodu la taqsudu siwa'i
Kaseerul khalqi fat'lubni tajidni
Ana'r Rabbu'l lazee yakhshaa aazabi
Translation: In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. 
I am Existent, seek Me , You will find Me
Therefore if you desire except Me you will not find
I am Intended , do not intend except Me
Having luxuriant creature, therfore seek Me , you will find Me
I am Lord , be afraid of My torment
Transliteration: Jamee'ul khalqi fat'lubni tajidni
Ana'l maliqu'l Muhai'minu jal'la qadri
Adheemul Mulqi fat'lubni tajidni
Ana'l ma'budu la ta'abud siwa'i 
Ana'l Jabbaru fat'lubni tajidni
Ana lil'abdi arhamu min akihi
Wa min aba'wai'hi fat'lubni tajidni
Translation: Whole creature is afraid, therefore seek Me, you will find Me
I am The Absolute Ruler, The Guardian, Very Powerfull
Owner of The Great Kingdom, therefore seek Me , you will find Me
I am Divine, do not worship anyone except Me
I am The Compeller therefore seek Me you will find Me
I am Compassionate to My servant more than his brother
And more than his father,therefore seek Me you will find Me
You will find Me The One, The Satisfier of all needs, The Magnificent
The Doer of all good , therefore seek Me You will find Me
Transliteration: Tajidni Wahidaan Samadaan Adheeman
Kaseera'l Bir'ri fat'lubni tajidni
Tajidni musta'ghasaan'li mugheesan
Ana'l Qah'haru fat'lubni tajidni
Wa'arhamu min ibadi man aasa'ni
Bijah'lin-m- minhu fat'lubni tajidni
Tajidni fi sawadi'l laili abdi
Qareeban-m-inqa fat'lubni tajidni
Tajidni rahimam bar'ran-r- Raufan
Bikul'lil khalqi fat'lubni tajidni
Tajidni wasi'am bil'khalqi abdi
Translation: The requester when makes request, find Me Listener
I am The Subduer , therefore seek Me you will find Me
And I am Merciful to My servants whether they are disobedients
Due to your ignorance ,seek Me you will find Me
My servant you will find Me in darkness of night
I am near to you therefore seek Me you will find Me
You will find Me The Compassionate, The Doer of good, The Clement 
With whole being , therefore seek Me you will find Me
O My servant you will find Me All Comrehending with creature
Transliteration: Ana'l mazkuru fat'lubni tajidni
Tajidni fi sajudiqa hi'na tad'ou
Wa hi'na taqumu fat'lubni tajidni
Izza'l muhqafi nadani kazeeman
Aaqul lab'baiqa fat'lubni tajidni
Izza'l muztar'ru qala la tarani
Nazartu ilaihi fat'lubni tajidni
Aat'tarifu mai'ugheesu'l khalqa ghairi
Saree'ul akhzi fat'lubni tajidni
Translation: I am mentioned , therefore seek Me you will find Me
You will find Me in prostration when you will vociferate
And when you will stand, therefore seek Me you will find Me
And when anyone vociferate Me in worry 
I say I am subsist, therefore seek Me you will find Me
when The Disturbed say something and do not see Me
I see towards him,therefore seek Me you will find Me
Do you know who can help creature except Me
Quick therefore desire for Me you will find Me
Transliteration: Aatarifu munqizaan ghairi sari'an
Min'al halakati fat'lubni tajidni
Aatarifu mai'yaqul lil'shai'i ghairi
Yakun fayakunu fat'lubni tajidni
Aatarifu saatiran lilghaibi ghairi
Ana's sat'taru fat'lubni tajidni
Fa'in taba aatubu aalaihi indi
Ana't tawabu fat'lubni tajidni
Wa mam'misli wa aina yakunu misli
Translation: Do you know who is quick Emancipator except Me
From virulences, therefore desire for Me you will find Me
Do you know who say to anything except Me
Be and it is, therefore desire for Me you will find Me
Do you know who is Coverer of faults except Me
I am The Veiler(of sins) ,therefore seek Me you will find Me
Therefore if anyone seek repentance,I accept repentance
I am Guide to repantance,therefore desire for Me you will find Me
And who is My analogue, and where is My analogue
Transliteration: Wa laisa yakunu fat'lubni tajidni
Halum'maa ilai'ya la taqsud siwa'i
Ana'l maqsudu fat'lubni tajidni
Aatazkur lai'latan na'daita sir'ran
A'lam asma'qa fat'lubni tajidni
Fa'la yunjiqa ya abdi siwa'i
Mi'nan nirani fat'lubni tajidni
Wa laisa yamliqu'l firdausa ghairi
Ana'r Razzaqu fat'lubni tajidni
Translation: And no one is , therefore desire for Me you will find Me
Come towards Me and do not intend except Me
I am Intanded therefore desire  for Me and you will find Me
Do you remember Me at night and vociferate Me
Do I not listen to you, therefore desire for Me you will find Me
Therefore no one can releive you except Me
From the fire of Hell,therefore desire for Me and you will find Me
No one is The Owner of Heaven except Me
I am The Sustaniner therefore seek Me and you will find Me
Transliteration: Aahal fil'khalqi mai'uti jazeelan
Siwa'i laisa fat'lubni tajidni
Aatarifu ghafiran'liz'zambi ghairi
Ana'l ghaf'faru fat'lubni tajidni
Sa'aghfiru lil'ibadi wa laa ubali
Azaba'l hashri fat'lubni tajidni
Wa Akrimu man ouridu bila hisabin
Ana'l Wa'habu fat'lubni tajidni
Fa'az'zizni wa lam tara'qatu misli
Translation: He gives everything which is in creature
Nothing is except Him therefore desire for Me you will find Me
Do you know who is  Forgiver of sins except Me
I am The Forgiving therefore desire for Me you will find Me
I will forgive My servants and I do not have any concern
From Torment of Resurrection therefore desire for Me you will find Me
And respect the one to whom I do not bring to account
I am The Giver of all therefore seek Me you will find Me
Respect Me, there is no analogue of Me
Transliteration: Wa lasta tarahu fat'lubni tajidni
Wa akrimu mai'yatubu ilaiya khaufan
Liya'l ikramu fat'lubni tajidni
Li'yal aa'laaou wan'namaaou abdi
Li'yal khairatu fat'lubni tajidni
Li'yad dunya wa ma fiha jami'an
Li'yal malaqutu fat'lubni tajidni
Aatarifu man'lahuu ismun ka'ismi
Ana'r Rahmanu fat'lubni tajidni
Translation: And you will not find it therefore desire for Me you will find Me
And respect the one who seek forgiveness due to fear
Respect is of Mine therefore desire for Me and you will find Me
O My servant blessings belongs to Me
Come towards good deeds therefore desire for Me you will find Me
Leave this world and which is in it
Come towards The Exalted Governance therefore desire for Me you will find Me
Do you know whose name is like My name
I am Merciful therefore desire for Me you will find Me
Transliteration: Ana'l llahu'lazee laa shai'aa misli
Ana'd da'yanu fat'lubni tajidni
Ana'l maliqu'l mamloqu wa kul'li mulqin
Li'yal mirasu fat'lubni tajidni
Ana'l ufni'd duhuru wa qabla qablin
Wa ba'ad'al ba'adi fat'lubni tajidni
Ana'l Wah'abu ya ibadi sari'an 
Wali'ul ahdi fat'lubni tajidni
Ana'l fardu'l mudabiru fauqa arshi
Translation: I am Allah there is no analogue of Me
I am doer of perfect goodness therefore desire for Me you will find Me
I am the King of all kings and whole Kingdom is my inheritence therefore desire  for Me you will find Me
I am the destroyer of an era earlier and late
I will be present therefore desire for Me you will find Me
O servant I am swift Giver of all 
Fulfill My promise therefore desire for Me and you will find Me
I am The only Planner on Throne
Transliteration: Bil'at taksefi fat'lubni tajidni
Ana'r Rabbu'l lazee laa zulma indi
Wa lastu uujuru fat'lubni tajidni
Khalaqtu Muhammadan'nooran qadeeman
Lahu'l bushra fat'lubni tajidni
Wa yash'fa'ou fil khaala'iqi yauma hashrin
Ush'fiou fihi fat'lubni tajidni
Translation: Without any problem, therefore desire for Me you will find Me
I am The Lord, I do not have injustice
I do not practise injustice therefore desire for Me you will find Me
I created Light(Noor) of Muhammad aboriginal
so ,auspicious therefore desire for Me you will find Me
And he will intercede the creature on the day of Resurrection
There will be Intercession, therefore desire for Me you will find Me

Dua Habib
Transliteration: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. 
Qum qum Ya Habibi kam tanamu
Aajaban'lil muhibi kaifa yanamu
Qum Qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Talibul jan'nati la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Khaliqul laili la yanamu
Qum Qum Ya habibi kam tanamu
Khaliqul khalqi la yanamu
Qum Qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Al arshu wal kursi'u la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
al'lauhu wal qalamu la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Kul'lul malakuti la yanamu
Qum aum ya habibi kam tanamu
Ash'shamsu wal Qamaru la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Al arzu  was'samaaou la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
An najmu wa'sh shajaru la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Transliteration: Al bar'ru wal bahru la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Al jannatu wan'naru la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Al hooru wal qasuru la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
At'tairu wal wahshu la yanamu 
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
An'naumu alal muhibi haramu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Talibul maula  la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Al aashiqu wal mashooqu la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Al ishqu wal muhabbatu la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Al lailu wan'naharu la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Naim al maula zul'ikrama la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Aadama safiu'ullahu la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Ibraheemu khaleelullahi la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Moosa kaleemullahi la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Transliteration: Issa rooh'hullahi la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Muhammadan rasoolullahe la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu
Muhammadan rasoolullahe la yanamu
Qum qum ya habibi kam tanamu


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