Monday, October 25, 2021

Dua Mughni

Bismi Allahi arrahmani arraheem
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

Benefits of Dua Mughni

this dua is generated by Once Hazart Owais Qarni (RA). His name was Owais, he was known as Owais al-Qarni because he lived in a town called "Qarn" in Yemen. The Holy Prophet (PBUH), while speaking to Sahaba-Ikram (companions), said: "There is a person in my Ummah (followers) whose prayers would bring forgiveness to as many sinners as the number of hair of the sheep in the tribes of Rabia and Mazar." The two tribes were well known for raising sheep during the time of the Holy Prophet. The disclosure made the Sahaba-Ikram very curious. They asked the Holy Prophet about the name of that person and the place he lived in. The Holy Prophet first hesitated, but on their insistence told them the name of a person who lived in Qarn, Awais Qarni.

Whoever reads this dua after Fajr, asr and Isha will cross the bridge of sirat with ease, all his sins will be forgiven and whosoever keeps this dua with him will be safe from magic and every harm. And finally whoever recites this dua all his missing prayers will be forgiven.
Transliteration: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.Allahum'aa sal'li ala saiyidna Muhammadin wa alaa aali saiyidna Muhammadin wa bariq wasalim. Wa biqa
Translation: In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O Allah send peace and blessings upon our leader Muhammad s.a.w and upon his family . Oh Allah from You
Transliteration: astagheesu fa aaghesni wa aalaiqa tawakaltu fakfini ya Kafi ikfini-l-muhim'mati min amri-dunya wal aakhirati. Wa ya Rahmana-d- dunya wal akhirati wa ya Raheemahuma. Ana abduqa bibabiqa faqeeruqa bibabiqa saa'iluqa bibabiqa zaleeluqa bibabiqa aseeruqa bibabiqa zae'efuqa bibabiqa miskinuqa bibabiqa zaifuqa bibabiqa ya Rabba-l-aalamina. At'talihu bibabiqa ya Ghaiyasa-l-mustaghiseena, mahmoomuqa bibabiqa ya kashifa kuraba-l-makrobina,aasiqa bibabiqa ya taliba-l-baar'rina , al muqir'ru bibabiqa yaa 
Translation: I ask help and help me and from You i seek satisfaction and give me satisfaction, and upon You i depend and cover me and save my worries of this world and of the life hereafter, O you The Merciful of this world and The Merciful of the Two. I am Your servant at your door needy of your door beggar of Your door , the helpless person of Your door , prisoner of Your door, your feeble at Your door , Your guest at Your door . O Lords of worlds destroyed person is at Your door , O Consoler and Listener of helpless mournful is at Your door.O
Transliteration: Kashifa kuraba-l-makrobina, aasiqa bibabiqa ya taliba-l-baar'rina , al muqir'ru bibabiqa yaa Arham ar Raheemeena , al khati'ou  bibabiqa ya ghafira-l-muznibina,al mautarifu bibabiqa ya rabb al aalamina, az'zalimu bibabiqa ya maa'mala-t-taalibina, al musie'ou bibabiqa-l-baaisu bibabiqa-l-khashiou bibabiqa irhamni ya maulaya anta-al-ghafiru wa ana-l-musie'ou wa hal yarhamu-l-musieou illa'l ghafiru. Maulaya Maulaya 
Translation: You who remove  the problems of those with problems , sinner is at your door. O searcher of pious people, acceptor of sins is at Your door ,O Most Merciful of The Merciful ones mischiever is at Your door, O Beneficent , admitor of sins is at Your door. O Lord of Worlds frustrated is at Your door , O hope of every hopeful, wrongdoer is at Your door, fearful at Your door, humble at Your door, Have mercy on me my Lord. You are the forgiver and I am the sinner and who will have mercy on the sinner except the forgiver, My Lord , My Lord
Transliteration: anta'r'Rabbu wa ana-l-abdu wa hal yarhamu-l-abda illa'r' Rabbu, Maulaya Mualaya anta al Maliqu wa ana-al- mamluqu wa hal yarhamu-l-mamluqa illa'l maaliqu, Maulaya Maulaya ant'al Azeezu wa ana'zzaleelu wa hal yarhamu'zzalela illa'al Azeezu, Maulaya Maulaya ant'al Qawiu  wa ana'za'efu wa hal  yarhamu'za'efu ill'al Qawiu, Maulaya Maulaya  ant'al Kareemu wa ana'lla'eemu wa hal yarhamu'l laa'ema illa'al Kareemu ,
Translation: You are the Lord  and i am Your servant and no one has mercy on servant except the Lord. My Lord, My Lord You are the owner and i am the owned. My Lord My Lord You are the Domineer and i am the lowest and noone has mercy on the lowest except the Domineer. My Lord My Lord you are the Powerful and i am the weak and noone has mercy on the weak except the Powerful. My Lord My Lord You are Generous and i am lowest and no one can has mercy on lowest except generous.
Transliteration: Maulaya Maulaya  ant'ar Razzaqu wa ana'al Marzuqu wa hal yarhamu'l Marzuqa illa'r Razzaqu, Maulaya Maulaya ant'al Azeezu wa ana'z Zallelu wa ant'al ghafooru wa ana'l muznibu wa ant'al qawiu  wa ana'z za'efu , Iilahe al'amana al'amana fi zulmati'l Qaburi wa zaiqiha , Iilahe al'aman al'aman ind'aa suwali munkarin'wa nakeerin'wa haibatihima , Iilahe al'amana al'amana ind'aa wahshati'l qaburi
Translation: My Lord My Lord You are the Sustaniner and i am the one to be given and no one can has mercy on the one to be given except the Sustaniner. My Lord My Lord You are the respectful and i am disgraceful , You are forgiver and i am sinner ,You are possessor of all strength and i am weak. O Allah I seek assurance and peace in the loniness of grave and 
Transliteration: wa dhagtatiha, Illahe al'amana al'amana fi yaumin kana miqdaruhu khamsina alfa sanatin, Iilahe al'amana al'amana yauma unfakhu fi's suri fasa'iqa man fis'samawati wa min fil'arzi illa man shaa'allahu, Illahe al'amana al'amana yauma zulzilati'l arzu zil'zalaha , Illahe al'amana al'amana yauma tashaq'qaqu's'samaaou bil'ghamami , Illahe al'amana al'amana yauma natwi's'samaai kataii's'sijil'li 
Translation: its congestion , O Allah I seek assurance and amnesty from the questions and hideousness of Denied and The Denier. O Allah i seek assurance and amnesty from the loneliness of grave and at the time of discomodiousness . O Allah i seek assurance and peace from the day having duration of fifty thousand years. O Allah i seek assurance and amnesty from the day when the Horn will be blown and everyone in earth and in the heaven  will die except the one whom Allah wills. O Allah i seek peace for the day when earthquake will take place , O Allah i seek peace and  peace from the day when the sky will burst with clouds . O Allah i seek peace and amnesty from the day when You will open up the sky and open 
Transliteration: lil kutubi, Illahe al'amana al'amana yauma tubada'lul arzu ghair'l arzi was'samawatu wa barazu lillahe'l wahidi'l qahari, Illahe al'amana al'amana yauma yanzur'ul mar'ou ma qada'mat yadahu wa yaqulul kaafiru yalaitani kuntu turaban, Illahe al'amana al'amana yauma la yanfaou maaluun'wa la banuna illa man aat'allaha bi qalbin saleemin. illahe al'amana al'amana yauma unadil munadi mim butnani'l arshi aaina'l aasuna wa aaina'l muznibuna wa aaina'l khaa'ifuna
Translation: The register book. O Allah give peace and assurance for the day when earth will be replaced by something else and the skies  and everybody will appear before Allah the One and Only , The Subduer , O Allah give me Peace and refuge for the day when man will look at what he does and the disbeliever will say ' i wish i could be dust'. O Allah give peace and amnesty on the day when wealth and children  will be of no avail but who will come to Allah with pure heart. O Allah give peace and assurance from the day when The Caller will Call from the Throne and say where are the sinners and where are the fearful ones
Transliteration: wa aain'al khasiruna haluumuu ilal hisabi anta taalamu sir'ri wa alaniyati fa aqbal mazirati wa talamu hajati fa'aatini suwali, ya Illahe aah min kasrati'zzunubi wal isyani ahh min kasrati'zzulmi wal jafaai aah min'an nafsi'l matrudati ahh min an nafsi'l matbuaati lil hawa ahh min al hawa aaghisni ya Mugheesu ind'a tagh'aiyaru hali ,Illahe inni abduqa'l muznibu 'l mujrimu'l mukhtiou 
Translation: and where are the losers? Come to the Day of Judgement. You know my secrets and what is open so accept my excuse and you know my need and fulfil my need, O Allah , alas! On having so many sins and disobedience, alas! On excess of evil and wrong doings. Alas! On my evil id, Alas! On my heart which is too reliable on desires, Alas! On desires of Id , alas! On desires of Id , alas! On desires of Id. listen my invocation O Listener during the change of my condition. O Allah i am Your sinful servant , mischiever , 
Transliteration: aajirni min an naari ya Mujeeru ya Mujeeru ya Mujeeru. allahum'aa in tarhami fa anta ahlun'wa in tuaz'zibni fa'ana ahlun far'hamni yaa ahla't taqwa wa yaa ah'lal maghfiraati wa yaa rahama-r-raheemina wa ya khair'al ghafireena wa ya khair'n naseerina . Hasbi yallahu wa naima'l wakeelu naima'l maula wa naima'n naseeru wa sallallhu ta'ala ala khairi khalqihi saiyidna Muhammadin wa aalihi wa ashabihii ajmaaeena , bi rehmatiqa yaa arham ar raheemen.

Translation: give me refuge O Refuger O  Refuger O Refuger. O Allah if You will have mercy on me then You are reliable one and if You punish me then i am the deserving one. O pious , O forgiver, and O Most Merciful of the Merciful Ones. And O Most forgiver and O Most Helper . Allah is sufficient for me and He is the best Planer and Lord and Best Helper and O Allah send blessings upon the best of Your creation The Muhammad and in his family and on his companions ,with Your mercy. O great Merciful of Alla Merciful ones.


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